How We Met ❤️
A moment that changed everything.
First Encounter

The first time I ever saw you was in Spanish class. I thought you were cute, but I didn’t think much beyond that. It wasn’t until later that everything changed. The first time we actually interacted was at Aleks Bronstein’s party. It was casual, nothing major, but looking back, that was the very first moment our paths truly crossed.

Economics Class

& the SEVA

Economics class, year 11, that’s when I started to like you. Something about you caught my attention in a way I couldn’t ignore.

Fast forward a couple of quite yet flirty years between us, we met in the SEVA. That's when I decided, I'm going for you. I was convinced we were going on dates, but apparently, we were just “friends” But even then, I was determined, I knew I wanted you, and I wasn’t going to let you slip away.

Bubble Waffles
& Interdit

Our first unofficial “date” (or so I thought) was at the bubble waffle place.

Then came Interdit, the first time we saw each other outside of school, not just in passing and not on the way home. This was different. We actually met up, in town, by choice. No school, no excuses, just us. And that night, something shifted.

"One Kiss is
all it takes"

Mini golf. That was the night. I told my friends “Today’s the day”, I was going to kiss you. But when I saw you in your black outfit, with your golden hair and those eyes, I got nervous. (Yes, me.) Still, we had the best time, the neon lights, the flirty banter.

Then, at the end of the night, we waited for your uber, and I kissed you.

Best. Decision. Ever.

Rue de Jargonnant 5, 1207 Genève, Switzerland